Blessings would never hurt the believer? Then is it means this feeling is not a blessing because it hurts?
We always overestimate and underestimate blessing. People lied to you when they said true success hurts, true love hurts or true friendship hurts. It is a blessing from Allah swt. And the blessing would never hurt the believer.
Then why at some points, we still feel hurt? Let say, from the example above, I pick a friendship. Maybe it is time to recheck your friendship and question yourself on what is the foundation of the friendship that you have built. Is it truly under the good intention? Or is it just to have a friend and take a benefit from that person? If you choose to be friend with the person just because you feel lonely or you want to be well-known like that person, that's the reason when you reach some point, you'll feel hurt.
Got it? If it is still not clear. I give you one example about the story of Bilal Bin Rabah. He was tortured severely. Everyone knew him as a weak man before. The man who always lose in fight. The man who only can serve his master. But then, when Allah's blessing came to him and he embraced Islam. What happen is he suddenly become so tough. Maybe not physically, but emotionally. And the inner strength inside him allows him to withstand the physical torment. Why is it so? Doesn't it hurts him? It maybe seems hurt, but he knows the greater blessing awaits him, Jannah. He believed. And the blessing would never hurt the believer.
The blessing besides being tortured make him strong.
So back to the topic, that's why any blessings in your life would never hurt you. If it's hurt, it's not a blessing. But it is not wrong to feel hurt. It is a human's nature to have a feeling. To be sad or happy in certain circumstances. But the level of hurt should not exceed the limit until you blame the fate.
If you realized, let say you gain success in your life. But even so, everything around you makes you feel not happy, hurt. Maybe because there is still one part in your life that lead you to ignorance. That makes you far away from the Creator. Then where is the blessing?
After all, He knows what best. Wallahualam.