Open your eyes

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Titanium? Feel this !

How great the tests befall !

It is kind of funny on how great we could be blinded by the surrounding. It is amusing how crushed you can be when the dunya exerted great pressures on you. While, you are the most titanium person yourself have ever known. (at least you think so hee)

I’ve been tested with power. The power here means position. Position in school, faculty or whatnot. Currently, I am in great test. MashaAllah. How great it is, until it almost crushed me into pieces. 

I have never claimed to be in this position, never intend to be a group’s leader, and never want to be aimed. But Allah is testing me now by giving me so much of this worldly attraction. 

Got appointed as a group’s leader for almost all subject I currently taking. Now being aim to be in the high committee of the faculty. And surprisingly, I got selected for that.


This is not easy for me. Because, there will be a lot of people that I need to take care of. I can’t just take it lightly as I really afraid of being asked later in that Day of Justice. And it is not easy for me to withdraw from the position too since I’ve been selected and spotted by the top management who determinedly want me in. Which, I don’t get why. It really put us on tense when people put a high expectation on us right?

But then I ponder again, I do it because of Allah and for the sake of others. I would like to bring the change so that all of us can be better. And I really hope this will be a heavy good weightage for me. After all He knows what best. He controls the earth and the sky, and everything between them. Let follow the flow. May Allah guide me in guiding others. InshaAllah

Back to the saying of Prophet Sulayman A.S, Haza min fadhli rabbi. This is by the grace of my lord, to test whether I’m grateful or not. 

And one more thing though, even the grains of dust before it become a supernova. It contracts and expands few times because of the great pressure. I don’t know how He planning my life. And why He put me in this. But I believe in Him. Wa makaru wa makarallah, wallahu khairul makirin. “They planned, and Allah also planned. And Allah is the Best Planner”.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

She became her own hero


I have been asked to give a taddabur about “a woman”. It supposed to be related with al Quran verses, with the theme of woman. But I already had something in my mind before that. It also related to the theme. Thus, let me take this opportunity to share about it.

“She became her own hero”. That’s the title. It is a very meaningful title for me. In this world, where people too depend on someone, let you be different. In this world, where people longing for someone, let you give all of your heart only to Him. Allah. In this world when people let their eyes shedding tears because of someone, let your eyes shedding tears only because afraid of Allah. Let your eyes be your witness in the Day of Judgement. Against the current !

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Two eyes will not be touched by Hellfire: An eye that cries from the fear of Allah, and an eye that spent the night in a guard post in the path of Allah (Jihad).” [Tirmidhi]

Counting my age which is 21 this year, I’m afraid if I have no enough time to be totally falling in love with Him. 

Move on to the message. I heard so much about girls who weep because of her heart broken. I witness so much girls crushed because they got cheated. I saw they fall into grief just because that someone special doesn’t remember their birthday. Allahu, how soft our hearts are.

Thus, I want to bring you a different story here. It is about the angel of steel (bidadari besi). Her name is khawlah al azwar. How inspiring her story was. 

Khawlah was the daughter of one of the chiefs of Bani Assad tribe, and her family embraced Islam in its early days. Her father’s nickname is Al azwar.Khaulah Al-Azwar was a woman who lived in the days of Companions. Khaulah has mental strength and physical strength. Since her childhood, she has been good at playing swords and spears. 

She was very close with her brother Dhirar and they were always doing everything together. So it was only natural that when he went to go fight with Khalid ibn Waleed’s army against the Romans in the greater Syria region, Bilad Al-Sham, that she would go with him. Her brother, Dhirar Al azwar was known as a fearless fighter. He was a master of the martial arts and would go into battle without a shield, helmet or any kind of army and he was extremely powerful. He knew exactly how to fight.

One day he has gone missing. He was captured by the enemies. 

And then there was another battle, in that battle there was a knight who is so mystery because he covered his face. He was in black attire, with a large green shawl wrapped around his waist and covering his chest. Even Khalid al walid was also wondering who the knight is. This knight looks so brave and it was stated that, this man looks like he really want to syahid in that battle. Even if the power of enemies was greater, this knight was fearless. He rides his horse straight to the military line of enemies and dividing it. He penetrated the military line and be at the middle of the enemies. He did not show any sign to retreat. This makes Khalid al walid and his armies stunned and eager to know who the mysterious knight is. Khalid al walid and his assistance try to pull back this knight because they want him alive. But they cannot catch up to him, he was too fast for them. Could you imagine, Khalid al walid who is the Commander of Islam and a great fighter, also adore this knight? Could you imagine how great this knight was fighting? 

Then, Khalid approached the knight and asked him to show his face. A pair of black eyes staring at khalid before returning to attack the enemy. Then Khalid’s soldier following the knight and said to him “O warrior, chief called you and you went away, show us your face and tell us your name, so that we can give you a respect.” Again, this mysterious knight avoids them and went away.

After the battle, when he passed by Khalid, Khalid insist him to stop and ask him again. When Khalid heard a voice of a woman, he almost fell down from his horse. He was so surprised.

You know what the knight answered? 

"My leader, I did not answer because I am shy. You are a great leader, and I am only a woman whose heart is burning. I am Khawlah al azwar" 

MashaAllah. When her brother is not around, she wanted to save her brother. She did not begging any heroes to save him. But she was the one who be the hero. She became her own hero. And she fought in the path of Allah. She used her expertise in martial arts in the path of Allah.

Khaulah was not like a rapunzel who is waiting in a tower for the prince charming to come with his white horse. Khaulah was not like a cinderella who is waiting the prince to save her life from a poverty. Khaulah was a lady who saves the world by her own hand. She needed a hero and that's what she become

Dear girls, it’s not that I ask you to ride a horse and bring a sword. But I want you, to fight in your battle of life. I want you to get up and become someone better. Become your own hero.

This is not feminist thinking. And I’m not a feminist. (my father is forever my hero)

Just, when you still cannot find your anchor, be your own anchor. After all, Allah is the permanent anchor. La hawla wala quwata illa billah.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Stressing out? Stop complaining

Breathe in and breathe out.

I am really happy because everything goes smoothly by His will.

I would like to talk about the project group in university or college. In university sometimes, you have to pair with someone who you never know before. And the ice breaking starts with a question: ‘Do you already have a group? Want to be pair?”  There you go.

But then some people experience tough process in completing their project because of their group mates. Some feel it is really easy to work in the team. Could we find any solution for the first case?

Yes. We could actually.

Why do you want to be so upset if your group mate didn’t do his work? Why you see it as your stumbling block that makes you feel so bad? Why do you feel so angry when that particular homosapien didn’t reply you?

Dear you, what do you actually expect from the people who also a ‘hamba’?. Sinful, full of mistakes, tiny creation and don’t even have power over himself..

I heard people say things like “yea at least can he please be a little wiser? I’m annoyed”

Not all people are smarter like you. Not all people thinking like you. Not all people easy to catch up things like you. Is it their fault if they don’t know? Is it their fault if no one lends a hand to help them?

This problem would forever haunt you if you do not change the way you think. Stop complaining, dear. If you find darkness around you, be the light. If you see people drowning in their world without purpose in life, be the guidance.

All of us have our own flaws and strengths. Get to know each other and guide each other. As said in Surah Al-hujurat verse 13.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

 Life is about giving.

Allah says in Al Quran, surah al baqarah verse 30.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

Khalifah is also known as a leader. Whether a leader for yourself or people around you. Leader doesn’t mean that you give a command to others and you neglect their rights. Leader is not about complain and badmouthing your group mates’ flaws. 'Leader' means that you serve other, you be their ear (listening to their complaint and on why they can’t do the task on time). You guide them on how they should do the work. Teach them how to live a life.

My dad taught me something in life which is “berhenti mengeluh”. My mom told me “ as long as you enjoy doing it, do it”.

You need to have the art of passion. Passionate in everything you do even if it just a presentation of one chapter or if it just that you have to go out and interview a company. Have passion in everything. Do it sincerely.

And invite others to enjoy it too. We want a long lasting friendship after the project work and not “okay, I swear I won’t be in the same group with you again”. Allahu..

Expect less, do more. 😄

Friday, 12 May 2017

Blue Lagoon.. Where are you?

Taken from google

The title sounds so heart-breaking ey? 

Last Wesak Day, my circle of friends and me went to the Hutan Simpan Ayer Hitam, Puchong. I never knew about this place before. To be honest, I took it easy. And I regretted it. 😆

The day before that, when they sent me the picture of the blue lagoon which is the blue crystal clear waterfall., I was just like “wow, beautiful”. I just decided to go and it’s not because of the place, but it is because of I was longing for our weekly sharing. Obviously, I thought it is just like Air Terjun Bukit Wang, Kedah. Which is, it got craved stairs and some resting places such as pondok wakaf. 

Beautiful. Fantastic.

But the imagination went wrong once we start our hiking…

Because I’ve been asked to give a reflection about the hiking, I think it is better if I get to the points now. Hehe.😉

1) When a suffer is not a suffer.

First, it’s not a riddle okay. When a suffer is not a suffer. That’s what I felt. You know, to go hiking with a palazzo and the bag (which I promised myself only will bring the bag to the shopping mall), is not the best thing I ever do in my life. But to be honest, I didn’t even notice this, I feel very light-hearted and just noticed all this once I already in the car. 

What I can say here, if you have a goal in your life, and you feel like you’re in need of something, you’ll go for it. As for me, I really need the sharing. And even though it’s hundreds or maybe thousand meters from the ground-level, I don’t mind. Exactly, because of I was longing for that. After all, Allah owns everything between the earth and the sky, and the whole universe.

2) Allah closes that door, because He knows you might fall.

Actually, we were trying to find the blue lagoon. Every time, we bumped with anyone along the trails, they told us, “Oh yea, you almost there”. We were not only went up and down in the woods, but also walk in the river. Literally, walk in and along the river. How determined we were!😆

But we cannot find the blue lagoon. When we are enjoying our time walking in the river, one of my beloved sister falls because she stumbling by the deep hole. My friend and I were running towards her, and my friend also stumbling by it. It taught me a lesson.

You know what, the blue lagoon that we’re trying to find has exactly the same hole beneath it with a depth of 13 METRES. Here again, think how only that ‘deep’ little hole, already makes you guys hurt. How about the deeper one? Allahu.

Who knows maybe He planned for us not to find the blue lagoon, because one of us might fall into it when we uncontrollably excited playing in the blue lagoon. Right?

It same goes to the rule of life. Sometimes, Allah closes the door that you’re gazing at all this time, (be it is a major that you dream to take or maybe the university that you aim). It is all because He doesn’t want you to fall soon after you entered the 'door'. 

Credit to Kak kathy

3) Woods make world more peaceful and harmony.

This is the thought-provoking part. If you realized, along the trails we always met someone who is totally a stranger and from various races and religions. We were greeting and give salam to each other with a full big smile. Why can’t we do the same when we are on the ground-level that we stepping on it every single day. Why suddenly when you reach ground level, everything becomes ‘awkward’ and ‘cold’ again? 

Is it because of when you’re down there, you have higher position? Or is it because of you already felt safe? Or maybe because of down there, you wear a better and high-standard dress compared to me? Or up there, only few people that you meet so it is easier to greet everyone? Why is it actually?

It makes me feel like, the woods can bring us more harmony and peaceful life. That is because of up there, you know that maybe you gonna need each other. If anything happens to you up there, maybe he/she might be the one will help you. That is why we respect each other and try to become friend. Why can’t we do the same down here? When the world full of insecurity and mistrust.


Friday, 5 May 2017

Kembara Muslim Travel and Tours Sdn Bhd


Let me express my thanks to all the pilgrims (Jemaah) of Kembara Muslim who trusted us to help in managing your Umrah. InshaAllah.

KM that has been set up by my parents which started with only a group of pilgrims four years ago now has received a very encouraging support. The main reason of incorporating this company is because of the experience during our first visit/umrah with the X Company that gave us various problems to be faced. The first day arrived in Madinah, each person must add SAR250 if we want to stay in hotel or else we can just visit the Prophet's Mosque and continue the journey to Mecca straightaway after that. This is one of the changes that made by that particular travel agency. Obviously, we do not agree with these changes, but we don’t have any choices. Moreover, with 18 members of my family, it results in SAR4500 for the total amount to be paid! That’s totally not an exciting part of our first umrah. But it taught us a lot.

Our first umrah
This experience made us come out with the idea to establish Kembara Muslim Travel and Tours in order to help pilgrims perform the pilgrimage in more systematic way and more secure. Let's get to know us. Before we start our journey, we will always update with all of our jemaah about the progress of ticket,visa,accommodation and etc. We will also do a briefing twice or more in Malaysia before going, as an early preparation.

Briefing in Malaysia
We also give a plan briefing during our stay in medina and mecca. 

Kembara Muslim Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd is offering umrah packages below; -

1. Standard Umrah Package

-Available package.
-Saudi  Airline (Direct flight from kul-med)
-Hotel Medina + - 200 m from the Masjid Nabawi
-Hotel Makkah + -350 m from the Masjidil Haram
-Umrah 12H 11M RM6890

-Umrah 11H 9M RM 6690

-Umrah ziarah taif 11H 9M RM 6890

*These are the prices for school holidays. During normal periods the price will be reduced by RM 300.

2. Family Package (small)

The itinerary of program, flights and hotels can be discussed
with the management team of Kembara Muslim.

3. Special Package

For those who have their own group.
The itinerary of program, flights and hotels can be discussed
with the management team of Kembara Muslim


Our package also includes:
1. A large luggage 
2. A bag pack
3. A sling bag
4. A non-woven fabric bag
5. A handbook with complete step-by-step guides for Umrah
6. A guide book for umrah and compilation of doa(prayers).


From left : non-woven fabric bag, bag pack, sling back

Guide book for umrah & compilation of doa (A4)

A handbook with complete step-by-step guides for Umrah

Our practical in KM is each group of pilgrims will be accompanied by one of our management team that will always be with you during your pilgrimage/umrah.

And every time you would like to perform Umrah, it is recommended to perform it with our ustaz/mutawwif. Our ustaz/mutawwif will guides you and the advantage of this is; for the elders and first comers, there’s nothing to worry about since we will always be with you and guides you during the umrah.

Briefing from our mutawwif
Women also have the opportunity to enter Raudah with our ustazah while in Medina. As our motto "Bersama Anda Menyempurnakan Umrah", we try our best to provide the excellent services for our jemaah.

During our visit in mecca and medina, we will always stay together in one group . But you also have your own free time with your family to go shopping, tour around and etc. Before coming back to Malaysia, we will discuss with our jemaah and choose one day to organize ‘kenduri tahlil’ during our stay in mecca.

Kenduri Tahlil in Mecca
Kenduri Tahlil in Mecca
Our jemaah at Uhud
Memory with our jemaah at Jabal ar Rahmah

During our visit to Taif
Alhamdulillah, we have great friendships with all of our jemaah and sometimes in Malaysia we will gather in a ‘kenduri kesyukuran’ as our reunion.

Reunion in Malaysia
Reunion in Malaysia

Register now with us and be a part of our family !

I invite you to try our services and you also can read more about us at our facebook page ( InshaAllah.

Success hurts me more than a failure

I’m sure that all of us have been through ups and down in life. There was time when you barely get what you want. And there was time when everything can be attained effortlessly.

When you were at your lowest level in life, everything seems difficult. It's hard for you to understand what you learn, it’s hard for you to pass the exam; it’s crushing you when all the effort look useless. And you start weeping when remember how you make your parents disappointed with it.

But, also, some of us have experienced things like, when you want an A, you easily get it. When you want to win the game, you won it. When you have no money, the sources come out of nowhere. When you went to the interview, you got the job. Everything turns out to be so easy for you.

Which situations do you prefer? Which situation makes you happier?

To share my personal thought, I have been through these situations in a very short period. It makes me afraid sometimes.

It’s not the best feeling when people keep chanting your name, and talking about your victory, while you afraid it can grows up the ‘penyakit hati’  from that. Riak? Bangga diri? Allahu.. Don’t let us fall into it.

It’s not that I ask you to reject a victory. Those are rezeki and blessings that Allah bestowed upon you. Alhamdulillah. But remember as Allah said in Al Quran, Surah Al-Anfal. (refer the image below).


It’s scary when you don’t feel like you’re being tested with success. Sometimes, success makes us feel fully-absorbed with ourselves. After all, failure is not a great experience, yes, totally agree with that. But failure is a test that you can feel it deep down inside your heart. That makes you prolong your sujood because you really hurt by the failure. But success is completely different. It’s a feeling that makes you feel like you’re ‘floating’ around and far away from the ground. Sometimes, it can be a reason why without realizing you’re actually shortened the time of prayer. Because, you feel like you don’t have any problems to weep for. It’s a definite test.

Let us follow these people on how they handled their success. On how Prophet Sulaiman alaihi salam dealt with the success given to him, it’s very touching. I would like to share a brief story about this.

As we all know Prophet Sulaiman a.s had a great kingdom. One of the great bounties that Allah bestowed upon him was that Jinn were under his command and control.  And there was one event that beautifully recorded in the Al quran from Surah An-Naml (27:40).

“And he (among the Jinn) who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it before the twinkling of your eye.” When he saw the throne placed firmly beside him, he (Sulayman) cried out: “This is by the grace of my Lord so that He may test me whether I give thanks for (His Bounty) or act with ingratitude. Whoever is grateful is so to his own good; and whoever is ungrateful, let him know that my Lord is Immensely Resourceful, Most Bountiful.” (Surah an-Naml 27: 40)

Berkata pula seorang yang mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan dari Kitab Allah: "Aku akan membawakannya kepadamu dalam sekelip mata!" Setelah Nabi Sulaiman melihat singgahsana itu terletak di sisinya, berkatalah ia: "Ini ialah dari limpah kurnia Tuhanku, untuk mengujiku adakah aku bersyukur atau aku tidak mengenangkan nikmat pemberianNya. Dan (sebenarnya) sesiapa yang bersyukur maka faedah syukurnya itu hanyalah terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri, dan sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur (maka tidaklah menjadi hal kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Kaya, lagi Maha Pemurah".

It was when the throne of Queen of Saba brought to his place before the Queen arrives.  (You can read more about this)

How amazing the moral of this story. Haza min fadhli rabbi. “This is by the grace of my Lord”, so after this every time you're attaining success, remember to utter this word. You won’t be successful if He not let you to. He eases the way for you.

Next we can also learn from the seerah, on how the sahabah are very down-to-earth person. Umar Al-Khattab is the second caliph after Abu bakar al siddique and was a main advisor for Abu bakr as siddique. "Umar was also highly regarded among the companions of the Messenger. Aisha has said: "He was, by Allah, skillful in managing affairs, absolutely unique." And Muawiyah has said: "…Umar, the world wanted him and he did not want it". Umar had the welfare of the Muslims in his mind at all times. Umar’s food was simple which consisted of bread and olive oil. Rarely would he eat anything else, at times it is recorded that he eats meat, vegetables milk and vinegar. His dress was also simple such as a shirt only which was known to have a number of patches in it." (credits to In some occasion people not even recognized that he is the caliph since he dresses as others. He prioritizes others. You can search more about this, it’s really amazing that he took the responsibility given to serve people, and not to be served by people.

And definitely the main role model is our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. There are a lot of great stories if I want to share it here. Not enough with one post.

But the point here, don’t let the success make you feel great by yourselves. It could be a test for you. Thus, let the success draws you nearer to Him, by praising Him and show gratitude. We’re always trying to do the best in our life. But when we achieved it, don’t let the success be our “unseen downfall”. Our goal is not just to gain success in this dunya, but also in the hereafter.

Wama tawfiq illa billah. “My success is only by Allah”.