Open your eyes

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Titanium? Feel this !

How great the tests befall !

It is kind of funny on how great we could be blinded by the surrounding. It is amusing how crushed you can be when the dunya exerted great pressures on you. While, you are the most titanium person yourself have ever known. (at least you think so hee)

I’ve been tested with power. The power here means position. Position in school, faculty or whatnot. Currently, I am in great test. MashaAllah. How great it is, until it almost crushed me into pieces. 

I have never claimed to be in this position, never intend to be a group’s leader, and never want to be aimed. But Allah is testing me now by giving me so much of this worldly attraction. 

Got appointed as a group’s leader for almost all subject I currently taking. Now being aim to be in the high committee of the faculty. And surprisingly, I got selected for that.


This is not easy for me. Because, there will be a lot of people that I need to take care of. I can’t just take it lightly as I really afraid of being asked later in that Day of Justice. And it is not easy for me to withdraw from the position too since I’ve been selected and spotted by the top management who determinedly want me in. Which, I don’t get why. It really put us on tense when people put a high expectation on us right?

But then I ponder again, I do it because of Allah and for the sake of others. I would like to bring the change so that all of us can be better. And I really hope this will be a heavy good weightage for me. After all He knows what best. He controls the earth and the sky, and everything between them. Let follow the flow. May Allah guide me in guiding others. InshaAllah

Back to the saying of Prophet Sulayman A.S, Haza min fadhli rabbi. This is by the grace of my lord, to test whether I’m grateful or not. 

And one more thing though, even the grains of dust before it become a supernova. It contracts and expands few times because of the great pressure. I don’t know how He planning my life. And why He put me in this. But I believe in Him. Wa makaru wa makarallah, wallahu khairul makirin. “They planned, and Allah also planned. And Allah is the Best Planner”.

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