Open your eyes

Friday, 5 May 2017

Success hurts me more than a failure

I’m sure that all of us have been through ups and down in life. There was time when you barely get what you want. And there was time when everything can be attained effortlessly.

When you were at your lowest level in life, everything seems difficult. It's hard for you to understand what you learn, it’s hard for you to pass the exam; it’s crushing you when all the effort look useless. And you start weeping when remember how you make your parents disappointed with it.

But, also, some of us have experienced things like, when you want an A, you easily get it. When you want to win the game, you won it. When you have no money, the sources come out of nowhere. When you went to the interview, you got the job. Everything turns out to be so easy for you.

Which situations do you prefer? Which situation makes you happier?

To share my personal thought, I have been through these situations in a very short period. It makes me afraid sometimes.

It’s not the best feeling when people keep chanting your name, and talking about your victory, while you afraid it can grows up the ‘penyakit hati’  from that. Riak? Bangga diri? Allahu.. Don’t let us fall into it.

It’s not that I ask you to reject a victory. Those are rezeki and blessings that Allah bestowed upon you. Alhamdulillah. But remember as Allah said in Al Quran, Surah Al-Anfal. (refer the image below).


It’s scary when you don’t feel like you’re being tested with success. Sometimes, success makes us feel fully-absorbed with ourselves. After all, failure is not a great experience, yes, totally agree with that. But failure is a test that you can feel it deep down inside your heart. That makes you prolong your sujood because you really hurt by the failure. But success is completely different. It’s a feeling that makes you feel like you’re ‘floating’ around and far away from the ground. Sometimes, it can be a reason why without realizing you’re actually shortened the time of prayer. Because, you feel like you don’t have any problems to weep for. It’s a definite test.

Let us follow these people on how they handled their success. On how Prophet Sulaiman alaihi salam dealt with the success given to him, it’s very touching. I would like to share a brief story about this.

As we all know Prophet Sulaiman a.s had a great kingdom. One of the great bounties that Allah bestowed upon him was that Jinn were under his command and control.  And there was one event that beautifully recorded in the Al quran from Surah An-Naml (27:40).

“And he (among the Jinn) who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I will bring it before the twinkling of your eye.” When he saw the throne placed firmly beside him, he (Sulayman) cried out: “This is by the grace of my Lord so that He may test me whether I give thanks for (His Bounty) or act with ingratitude. Whoever is grateful is so to his own good; and whoever is ungrateful, let him know that my Lord is Immensely Resourceful, Most Bountiful.” (Surah an-Naml 27: 40)

Berkata pula seorang yang mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan dari Kitab Allah: "Aku akan membawakannya kepadamu dalam sekelip mata!" Setelah Nabi Sulaiman melihat singgahsana itu terletak di sisinya, berkatalah ia: "Ini ialah dari limpah kurnia Tuhanku, untuk mengujiku adakah aku bersyukur atau aku tidak mengenangkan nikmat pemberianNya. Dan (sebenarnya) sesiapa yang bersyukur maka faedah syukurnya itu hanyalah terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri, dan sesiapa yang tidak bersyukur (maka tidaklah menjadi hal kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Kaya, lagi Maha Pemurah".

It was when the throne of Queen of Saba brought to his place before the Queen arrives.  (You can read more about this)

How amazing the moral of this story. Haza min fadhli rabbi. “This is by the grace of my Lord”, so after this every time you're attaining success, remember to utter this word. You won’t be successful if He not let you to. He eases the way for you.

Next we can also learn from the seerah, on how the sahabah are very down-to-earth person. Umar Al-Khattab is the second caliph after Abu bakar al siddique and was a main advisor for Abu bakr as siddique. "Umar was also highly regarded among the companions of the Messenger. Aisha has said: "He was, by Allah, skillful in managing affairs, absolutely unique." And Muawiyah has said: "…Umar, the world wanted him and he did not want it". Umar had the welfare of the Muslims in his mind at all times. Umar’s food was simple which consisted of bread and olive oil. Rarely would he eat anything else, at times it is recorded that he eats meat, vegetables milk and vinegar. His dress was also simple such as a shirt only which was known to have a number of patches in it." (credits to In some occasion people not even recognized that he is the caliph since he dresses as others. He prioritizes others. You can search more about this, it’s really amazing that he took the responsibility given to serve people, and not to be served by people.

And definitely the main role model is our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. There are a lot of great stories if I want to share it here. Not enough with one post.

But the point here, don’t let the success make you feel great by yourselves. It could be a test for you. Thus, let the success draws you nearer to Him, by praising Him and show gratitude. We’re always trying to do the best in our life. But when we achieved it, don’t let the success be our “unseen downfall”. Our goal is not just to gain success in this dunya, but also in the hereafter.

Wama tawfiq illa billah. “My success is only by Allah”.


  1. masyallahhh!! such an inspirationn!! i love this part the most .. "Umar, the world wanted him and he did not want it.." there's time when u decide to indulge and focuse on akhirat, at tht moment allah will test u and let dunya to beg for u. dunya will come and run after us. huuu.. nak jadi cam umar! keep writing and inspire the world, girl!

  2. I like that part too ! Thankyouu. la hawla wala quwata illa billah. InshaAllah :D

  3. its so great to inspire ppl with your experiences ... nice one . im proud of you

    1. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. Thankyouuu for reading this ;)


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