Open your eyes

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Stressing out? Stop complaining

Breathe in and breathe out.

I am really happy because everything goes smoothly by His will.

I would like to talk about the project group in university or college. In university sometimes, you have to pair with someone who you never know before. And the ice breaking starts with a question: ‘Do you already have a group? Want to be pair?”  There you go.

But then some people experience tough process in completing their project because of their group mates. Some feel it is really easy to work in the team. Could we find any solution for the first case?

Yes. We could actually.

Why do you want to be so upset if your group mate didn’t do his work? Why you see it as your stumbling block that makes you feel so bad? Why do you feel so angry when that particular homosapien didn’t reply you?

Dear you, what do you actually expect from the people who also a ‘hamba’?. Sinful, full of mistakes, tiny creation and don’t even have power over himself..

I heard people say things like “yea at least can he please be a little wiser? I’m annoyed”

Not all people are smarter like you. Not all people thinking like you. Not all people easy to catch up things like you. Is it their fault if they don’t know? Is it their fault if no one lends a hand to help them?

This problem would forever haunt you if you do not change the way you think. Stop complaining, dear. If you find darkness around you, be the light. If you see people drowning in their world without purpose in life, be the guidance.

All of us have our own flaws and strengths. Get to know each other and guide each other. As said in Surah Al-hujurat verse 13.

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

 Life is about giving.

Allah says in Al Quran, surah al baqarah verse 30.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

Khalifah is also known as a leader. Whether a leader for yourself or people around you. Leader doesn’t mean that you give a command to others and you neglect their rights. Leader is not about complain and badmouthing your group mates’ flaws. 'Leader' means that you serve other, you be their ear (listening to their complaint and on why they can’t do the task on time). You guide them on how they should do the work. Teach them how to live a life.

My dad taught me something in life which is “berhenti mengeluh”. My mom told me “ as long as you enjoy doing it, do it”.

You need to have the art of passion. Passionate in everything you do even if it just a presentation of one chapter or if it just that you have to go out and interview a company. Have passion in everything. Do it sincerely.

And invite others to enjoy it too. We want a long lasting friendship after the project work and not “okay, I swear I won’t be in the same group with you again”. Allahu..

Expect less, do more. 😄

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